Uncharted Lost Legacy Impressions

Please be aware this write-up was originally published in the Centralian Advocate on 14 December 2018, you can find a link to the original here: Centralian Advocate – Uncharted Lost Legacy

The Uncharted games are well known for presenting cinematic action scenes and gameplay like no other game before it. The series is about searching for all kinds of treasure and artefacts in very exotic places. Uncharted Lost Legacy is no different; however, it makes some major changes for the series that some folks might not have expected, playing a completely new character. Instead of playing as the legendary Nathan Drake, players are put in the shoes of Chloe Frazer, and another strong female character is along for the ride, Nadine Ross.
Uncharted Lost Legacy is an action-packed, fast paced game that continues to push the narrative forward in interesting ways. The characters exchange banter while walking through exotic environments or yell instructions to each other during gameplay sequences. The dialogue between the characters is top-notch, the writing in the game carries a real weight to it and represents a realistic conversations.


Photo Mode allowed me to capture fantastic in game screen-shots. 

The gameplay is highly engaging, it’s an action-romp, so expect many platforming challenges, navigational challenges, puzzle solving, and of course shootouts on your adventure. Now, it might not be blindingly obvious that players will use guns a lot – however it’s the primary way to engage in combat. Chloe and Nadine have strong hand-to-hand skills and melee is a viable option, in intense situations though players will rely on trusty guns – pew-pew. It’s actually the only major criticism I personally have – and I see it frequently online – is that that Uncharted games have too many situations that players need to shoot their way out of.. the gun-play and combat feel good mechanically though.
The game is set along the Western Ghats of India; this proves to be an excellent design decision due to the variety provided. The Western Ghats also known as Sahyadri which is a mountain range that runs parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula, located entirely in India. Chloe and Nadine travel through a diverse range of settings, from lush jungles teeming with flora to snowy mountain-tops, there are many opportunities for a variety of beautiful vistas.


Chloe discovers an Ancient location in a huge cavern.  

The stakes are high for Chloe and Nadine both have important things to consider on their adventures. The game is set in India, which is where Chloe’s heritage lies. The characters are on a treasure hunt of sorts, they are after the Tusk of Ganesh, and they must adventure to places of importance to find this relic. In ancient religious history, Ganesh lost the Tusk while defending his father’s temple, his father was the Hindu deity Shiva – this is consistent with religious historic stories. Nadine is also at an interesting point in her life – previously in the series she was the leader of a private military organisation called Shoreline, she is tough, let me tell you.
The pair first visit Hoysala’s capital, Halebidu, in this fictional setting the city is under control of military soldiers and to make matters more complicated, its Nadine’s previous military group. Although this might give our duo an edge, Nadine understands how this military group operate, she also knows how well resourced and powerful these guys are and the challenge the pair face. The private military group that players encounter were hired by the antagonist of the game, I won’t go into details about the enemy’s motivations and place in the story to avoid spoilers, but you can be assured that plays a pivotal role in the game.


Chloe and Nadine scale the huge status of Ganesh. 

Uncharted Lost Legacy is visually amazing and all the games elements feel great. It’s a must play game for any Playstation 4 owner – pick up a copy today at your local EB Games store.

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About BakedRyce

I'm exploring my hobby of writing about the video game industry. Please share your thoughts and engage with me! Real keen for these types of discussions.

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